
Assumptions. They are everywhere. They are the first step in finding truth but not truth itself. Sometimes it is easier just to assume than to go to trouble of finding out for sure. Here are some assumptions (more of a list than a poem) that I have encountered and some I have assumed myself.
Have you ever assumed these things or had them assumed about you?


People assume if your siblings are taller, they are older
People assume if you’re good at something, you must also like it
People assume if you listen quietly and politely, you must agree with them

If you take a break, people assume you must have given up or forgotten
If you are slow to accept an idea people assume you are stubborn
If you are quick to accept an idea people assume you are fickle

People assume
        if you find yourself in bad circumstances, it is the result of your irresponsibility
        if you talk about yourself, it is not because you are trying to be honest and friendly
        if you never talk about yourself, it is because you have something you wish to hide
        if you say something they don’t like and can't accept, then it must be a lie

If you hide your talents then people assume you’re insecure
If you showcase your talents, then people assume you are arrogant
If you give your opinion people assume you're bossy and controlling

People assume
         that what they want, everyone else wants too
         that people care when they respond the same way they do 
         that the best solution for them is really the best for everyone to pursue 
         that they know what they’re talking about even if they have no experience in that matter
         that they could of course do the task better
         that what works for them will work for everyone else everywhere
         that unless people's eyes are locked, they are not listening and do not care

If they are inconvenienced, people assume it was an intentionally done act
If someone responds in a brief, concise manner, people assume the person is cold and detached

People assume
        forgetfulness is meant as a passive aggressive attack
        that if they can’t understand you, you’re the ignorant one that lacks
        they know what you’re going through even if they never have
        they are looking at the whole picture and no details are missing from their eyes
        criticism is always done out of pride or spite or the desire to trivialize

People assume if you say that something is true, you must also think it is good
People assume if you do something wrong, then you must have done it on purpose
People assume if you cannot avoid an outcome, then you must think it is acceptable
People assume if you make a adverse statement, it is never meant as just an observation
People assume if you say something they don’t want to hear, it was meant as an accusation


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